Hydro turbines get upgrades from FRANKE-Filter
Why hydro turbines in Vianden were equipped with Oil Mist Separators from FRANKE-Filter
- No reliable vacuum in the lube oil tank
- Oil mist leakages at the bearings and oil odours in the cavern and oil supply system
- Insufficient filtration
- No possibility of exact and individual adjustment of vacuum for each bearing and the lube oil tank simultaneously
- Two Oil Mist Separators per turbine unit. One provides the necessary vacuum in the lube oil tank, whereas the second is connected via a four-fold manifold to the four bearings (generator-, turbine-, coupling- and end bearing)
- Vacuum can be individually adjusted for each bearing and for the lube oil tank
- The filtration efficiency of over 99.9% allows air to be exhausted into the turbine hall without any concern
- In order to regulate and monitor the filtration process and vacuum, a terminal panel was installed for each machine unit. Its lights send information about the status of the individual system. It further is connected to the control room, in order to inform the personnel of the arising malfunctions, if any.

für die Unterdruckerzeugung
an Hydroturbinen
individuell einstellbarem Unterdruck
an bis zu vier Lagern

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