Standardized Oil Mist Separators for Siemens Steam Turbines SST-Series
Oil Mist Eliminators for Siemens SST Steam Turbines
Oil Mist Separators for Siemens lube oil package L
Oil Mist Separators for Siemens lube oil package M
Oil Mist Separators for Siemens lube oil package S

Oil Mist Separators for Solar Turbines
The industrial gas turbines from Solar Turbines Saturn, Centaur, Mercury, Taurus, Mars and Titan are in use worldwide and depend on virtually maintenance-free operation where the vacuum is constant and the oil quality is maintained. The gas turbines are mainly […]
Nuclear Power Plant equipped with FF2-777 Oil Mist Separator
As part of a major life extension program, FRANKE-Filter has provided a first-class engineering solution to the on-running oil mist problems of a large nuclear power plant. With a number of issues such as low levels of vacuum in the […]
Power plant Vianden upgrades Oil Mist Separators
The pumped-storage power plant Vianden in Luxemburg consists of eleven turbine units. With a capacity of 1,300 MW it is one of the largest of its kind in Europe. Since the commissioning in 1964 the operator SEO (Société électrique de […]
Oil Mist Separator for gas turbine GE Frame 6FA
The combined heat and power station (CHP) Hanover Linden is a natural-gas-fuelled power station with a maximum electric capacity of 255 MW and cogeneration of 185 MW. The combined-cycle plant consists of two gas and one steam turbine and is […]