FRANKE-Filter solves long-term challenge of oil leackages
Why a manufacturer of industrial gases opts for FRANKE-Filter

Oil Mist Separators for Siemens Steam Turbine SST-Series
We have been working with Siemens for several hundred projects ranging from gas to steam turbines. Eventually, we decided to standardise our Oil Mist Separators in cooperation with Siemens for the lube oil system packages S, M and L. Oil […]
Power plant Vianden upgrades Oil Mist Separators
The pumped-storage power plant Vianden in Luxemburg consists of eleven turbine units. With a capacity of 1,300 MW it is one of the largest of its kind in Europe. Since the commissioning in 1964 the operator SEO (Société électrique de […]
Efficiency increase through Oil Mist Separator for Solar Turbine
Molkerei Meggle convinced by Oil Mist Separator Complete satisfaction after conversion Home » Case Studies » Manufacturer of industrial gases equips with FRANKE-Filter Search for: In 2010, the operator MEGGLE GmbH & Co. KG in Wasserburg am Inn became familiar […]
Nuclear Power Plant equipped with FF2-777 Oil Mist Separator
As part of a major life extension program, FRANKE-Filter has provided a first-class engineering solution to the on-running oil mist problems of a large nuclear power plant. With a number of issues such as low levels of vacuum in the […]